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What Renters Need to Know as Washington Reopens

July 14, 2020

Whatcom and Skagit Counties are officially in Phase 2 of reopening! Businesses and individuals across the northwest are adapting as life changes once again.

At Preview Rentals, our community's health and safety remain our top priority. We are carefully minimizing risk to our employees and clients by following the Governor's workplace and job site guidelines.

Phase 2 is a Gradual Opening

As we all work together to reopen the economy, high-risk populations are still encouraged to stay home and stay healthy.

Small gatherings of five and fewer people are permitted. Outdoor recreation areas are opening. Salons, restaurants, construction, and retail are all ramping up at 50 percent capacity and following clear safety procedures.

If you are a renter with Preview Rentals and your apartment requires repairs, our technicians are educated in COVID-19 prevention and practice safety protocols including:

·       Handwashing with soap often and for at least 20 seconds.

·       Regular use of an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available.

·       Maintaining social distancing of six feet.

·       Use of personal protective equipment, like masks and gloves.

·       Disinfecting frequently touched surfaces.

·       Follow guidelines set by the CDC to deep clean and sanitize.

You can rely on our team for professional service.

Eviction Moratorium Extended through August 1.

For individuals severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Governor extended the moratorium for most evictions through August 1. It is important for affected renters to understand this is not a rent forgiveness program.

If you know someone who has been unable to pay their rent during this period, encourage them to proactively develop a pre-payment plan with their property manager before the moratorium expires. Doing this will protect their rental rights and credit score moving forward.

Let Us Know How Preview Rentals Can Help

Now is a good time to call our office to schedule service – particularly if you've been putting off repairs inside your apartment. Our office adheres to the safety protocols for construction outlined by the Governor.

These have been strange and uncertain times for everyone. At Preview Rentals, we want to say thanks for renting through us! As one of our clients, we strive to make your rental life as smooth as possible.

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